
Tap strafe removed
Tap strafe removed

tap strafe removed

Guess what you're dodging the fact that you cannot turn that shit off and hit any shot even remotely close to what aim assist DOES FOR YOU. Guess what you can also see many streams where ppl just wanna chill and pull the controller for the first time and beam the shit out of ppl in game with no effort whatsoever. Guess what, i've already experienced controller kid. You're talking like aim assist is some kind of very light help that barely impacts the gameplay.

tap strafe removed

And on top of that, they complain about the small upsides of mnk that also makes the game insanely fun, diversified and UNIQUE TO ALL OTHER GAMES (movements)?


Now im not saying controller is unbeatable but you need to understand how frustrating it is to invest so much time into mnk and feeling like ppl are cheesing on you, accessing a top tier aim level for free (i mean, rollers aren't free, but you get me). And since there is no way to have that info before actually taking shots, it's usually to the cost of your life that you find out. It's comparable to when you just face a cheater, you just know either the guy is god gamer mode or he just chilling on roller. When you die to a controller you can physically feel it's different than mnk as u/isaacmerquise said in another comment here. Rollers usually don't even bother playing covers they just literally peek you and slap their AA cock on your face even if you break them first, you miss a couple bullets they dont and you lose the fight.

tap strafe removed

In fact, movement is only efficient against other mnk players that have to MANUALLY adjust their aim and REACT to the movement. You can wallbounce, tap strafe, superglide it does not matter when you just get insta beamed CONSISTENTLY. Here ppl are bitching about tap strafing when they don't even realize you get absolutely shit on by a roller if you tap strafe infront of him. Not only you barely have to do any micro compensation but it also cancel recoil once you start shooting a target and literally locks to moving targets. Try to turn off aim assist and play a couple games, it will show u how much AA does for you. If you were on the receiving side trust me you would see what im talking about. Im sorry if im offending you but the aim assist is insanely cringe in apex and there is no way to compare the investment u need to put into mnk to even achieve 1/4 of the consistency Ai assisted aim gives you. Another one Respawn had to rush out the door was a significant Seer nerf, since players were complaining that the new character was a touch too overpowered.The game has always had this issue since its release and if you think mnk has better aim control, movement, key mapping (everything basically?) why is there such a rise in roller players? There have been a number of major updates to Apex Legends lately.


Console players routinely getting bodied (moreso than usual) by PC players isn't a good look for a game trying to show off the tenets of cross-play, and it stands to reason EA and Respawn want to keep the average skill level somewhat in-line. It's highly likely that a large part of the decision-making process for Respawn here is because of cross-play: whilst tap-strafing is tecnhnically possible on console with pads, it's far harder to perform.


Some see it as a fair update that will level the playing field, whilst others think it should still be possible – albeit with mouse wheel binding turned off, so as to require more skill and not have it as open for abuse.

tap strafe removed

It's been something of a controversial change for many in the Apex Legends community.


More details on the removal will follow in the next patch notes for the game. It was initially used as a speedrunning tech in Titanfall 2, and was adopted by Apex Legends players fairly quickly after the game's launch.Īccording to the developer, tap-strafing is “inaccessible, lacks readability/counterplay, and is exacerbated by movement abilities”. Think of it as a dodge-roll, albeit one Respawn never intended you to use. To put it simply, it's a trick that can be used to make you harder to shoot ( especially in the air), whilst providing all the advantages of being mobile. If you're unsure what tap-strafing is, it's essentially a high-level in-game technique that allows a player to perform fast movement changes without impacting speed and momentum. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. The announcement was made via a tweet from the studio's official Twitter account, where it explained the reason for the removal in a frank and clear statement. Respawn Entertainment will be removing tap-strafing from Apex Legends in patch 10.1, the studio has confirmed.

Tap strafe removed